Perkin Elmer Frontier IR Flexible and expandable performance for advanced industrial and research laboratories, IR capabilities into the FIR region using a single optical bench. The automatic beam-splitter changeover delivers a new level of simplicity for far-IR measurements. The built-in system flexibility is perfectly suited to demanding research environments where experiments require customized components. Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy is an analytical technique used to identify organic, polymeric, and in some cases, inorganic materials.
System benefits: • Excellent performance over the ca. 4000-600cm-1 region due to highperformance interferometer with dedicated multilayer FIR beam-splitter • Purge stabilization time minimized as high-efficiency, independent purge systems utilized in interferometer and sample area • Fast, easy switch from mid-IR to far-IR operation as a result of the fully motorized beam-splitter and detector changeover system