The Biorad MyCycler Thermal Cycler is a sleek 96-well PCR system with a gradient feature and is used for gene amplification. This compact thermal cycler features intuitive programming of temperatures, times, and protocols with ready-made templates for ease of viewing, editing, and running protocols. The MyCycler’s self-adjusting heated lid maintains accurate temperature and accommodates standard 0.2 ml thin-wall PCR tubes, strips, and plates. The Biorad MyCycler employs multiple built-in utilities, such as self-diagnostics and storage of detailed run and validation reports.
SPECIFICATIONS Block Temperatures Range 4-100°C Cycling Speed- With 20 ul sample in a 0.2 ml tube, after warm up, when cycling between 50°C and 95°C; at least 2.5°C/sec maximum heating rate and 1.5°C/sec maximum cooling rate Storage Cooling- Less than 3 minutes to cool from 40°C to 4°C Overshoot – Less than0.5°C Accuracy +/-0.5°C to NIST traceable standard after 30 seconds at 90°C, to block mode Uniformity -Well to well uniformity of +/- 0.5°C within 30 seconds after arrival at 90°C Temperature Gradient: Input Gradient Range 1-25°C Functional gradient range- 5-25°C Minimum temperature of gradient-30°C Maximum temperature of gradient: 99°C Gradient accuracy: +/-0.5°C Gradient Uniformity: +/-0.5°C
Thermal Cycler or PCR-machines are used for replication of DNA, detecting DNA sequences, carrying out DNA fingerprinting, forensic analysis, and molecular cloning, diagnosing genetic diseases, and detecting pathogens such as Hepatitis B and C viruses, Chlamydia trachomatis, HIV-1 causing AIDS, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, human papillomavirus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Cytomegalovirus and find application in research laboratories and clinical diagnostics.